Savages, ZDA, 131 min
Imdb ocena 6.5
Žanr: kriminalni, drama, triler
Igrajo: Blake Lively, Taylor Kitsch, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jana Banker
Režija: Oliver Stone
Avtorji: Shane Salerno (scenarij), Don Winslow (scenarij), Oliver Stone (scenarij), Don Winslow (novela)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Režiser Oliver Stone predstavlja zgodbo treh prijateljev, ki se ukvarjajo s pridelavo in prodajo prvovrstne marihuane.Idilično sožitje najboljših lastnosti miroljubnega Bena, agresivnega Chona in zapeljive O zmoti mehiški mamilarski kartel. Preden lahko zbežijo, neizprosni kriminalci pod vodstvom krute Elene in njenega sadističnega pomagača Lada ugrabijo O, zato se morata Ben in Cho spustita v neizprosen boj prevar, laži in krvavih obračunov.
Originalni opis filma:
In California, the former Navy SEAL Chon and his best friend, the peaceful botanist Ben, are successful entrepreneurs producing and dealing high-quality weed. Chon brought seeds from Afghanistan and Ben used his knowledge to develop the best marijuana in the country. Chon and Ben share the pothead lover Ophelia and she loves both of them since they complete each other - Chon is a powerful and strong lover and Ben is a sensible and loving lover. Their comfortable life changes when the Mexican Baja Cartel demands a partnership in their business. Chon and Ben refuse the deal and the leader of the cartel Elena sends her right-arm in America, Lado, to abduct Ophelia to press the American drug dealers. Chon and Ben ask the support of the dirty DEA Agent Dennis and get inside information to begin a secret war against the Baja Cartel to release Ophelia.