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Gusarji! Tolpa posebnežev

Gusarji! Tolpa posebnežev, 2012

The Pirates! Band of Misfits, Velika Britanija, ZDA, 88 min

Imdb ocena 6.7

Žanr: risani, avantura, komedija

Igrajo: Hugh Grant, Martin Freeman, Imelda Staunton, David Tennant

Režija: Peter Lord, Jeff Newitt(co-director)

Avtorji: Gideon Defoe (knjiga), Gideon Defoe (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški

Gusarji! Tolpa posebnežev - The Pirates! Band of Misfits

Slovenski opis filma:

Z ladijsko posadko za seboj in kljub slabim obetom se bo gusarski kapitan boril s peklensko kraljico, rešil mladega znanstvenika in imel vselej pred očmi tisto, kar imajo gusarji najraje – pustolovščino.Hugh Grant prvič v animirani vlogi nastopi kot gusarski kapitan z bujno brado, je neomajno navdušen, a vse prej kot uspešen plenilec morskih zakladov. Z ladijsko posadko za seboj in kljub slabim obetom ima kapitan eno samo željo – dobiti prestižno nagrado za gusarja leta ter premagati večna tekmeca Črnega Bellamyja in Cutlass Liz. Preizkušnja bo naše junake popeljala od obal eksotičnega Krvavega otočja do megličastih ulic viktorijanskega Londona. Pri tem se bodo borili s peklensko kraljico in medse sprejeli nesrečnega mladega znanstvenika, a bodo vselej imeli pred očmi tisto, kar imajo pirati najraje – pustolovščino.

Originalni opis filma:

After years of humiliation and failed attempts to win the coveted Pirate of the Year Award, Pirate Captain and his oddball crew take on the cream of the pirating crop - Black Bellamy, Peg Leg Hastings and Cutlass Liz - in a race to pillage the most booty. They soon cross paths with lovelorn scientist Charles Darwin, who persuades the Captain that the crew's prized 'parrot', Polly, could be the answer to the 'untold riches' they are searching for. Their adventure takes them to Victorian London where they meet Darwin's sidekick 'man-panzee' Mister Bobo, and the notorious pirate-hating Queen Victoria herself. It soon unfolds that Darwin's motives for helping the crew are not what they seem, and the Queen has an evil hidden agenda of her own. The Pirate Captain must choose between basking in the glory of being crowned Pirate of the Year, or staying faithful to his trusted crew.