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John Carter

John Carter, 2012

John Carter, ZDA, 132 min

Imdb ocena 6.6

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Samantha Morton, Willem Dafoe

Režija: Andrew Stanton

Avtorji: Andrew Stanton (screenplay by), Mark Andrews (screenplay by), Michael Chabon (screenplay by), Edgar Rice Burroughs (based on the story "A Princess of Mars" by)

Jezik: angleški

John Carter - John Carter

Slovenski opis filma:

Stotnik John Carter se čudežno znajde na Marsu, kjer odigra pomembno vlogo v vojni na tem planetu. Z novimi sposobnostmi se v epskih bitkah izkaže za junaka, kakršen mu je od nekdaj usojeno postati.Z oskarjem nagrajeni režiser Andrew Stanton prinaša zgodbo o Johnu Carterju; akcijsko pustolovščino na skrivnostnem eksotičnem planetu Barsoomu (ki je v resnici Mars), posneto po klasičnem romanu Edgarja Ricea Burroughsa. Pripoved se osredotoča na nekdanjega vojaškega stotnika Johna Carterja, ki se nerazložljivo pojavi na Marsu, kjer se nehote zaplete v epski spopad med prebivalci planeta; med njimi sta tudi Tars Tarkas in čedna princesa Dejah Thoris. V svetu na robu propada Carter na novo odkrije svojo človečnost ter spozna, da je usoda Barsooma in njegovih ljudstev v njegovih rokah.

Originalni opis filma:

John Carter, a Civil War veteran, who in 1868 was trying to live a normal life, is "asked" by the Army to join, but he refuses so he is locked up. He escapes, and is pursued. Eventually they run into some Indians, and there's a gunfight. Carter seeks refuge in a cave. While there, he encounters someone who is holding some kind of medallion. When Carter touches it, he finds himself in a place where he can leap incredible heights, among other things. He later encounters beings he has never seen before. He meets a woman who helps him to discover that he is on Mars, and he learns there's some kind of unrest going on.