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What to Expect When You're Expecting, ZDA, 110 min
Imdb ocena 5.7
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth Banks, Chace Crawford
Režija: Kirk Jones
Avtorji: Shauna Cross (scenarij), Heather Hach (scenarij), Heidi Murkoff (books)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
V filmu spremljamo pet parov, ki so tik pred tem, da postanejo novopečeni starši. Priljubljena inštruktorica fitnesa Jules je presrečna, da bosta s poklicnim plesalcem Evanom postala starša. Toda oba hitro spoznata, da bosta svoji uspešni karieri težko prilagodila potrebam novorojenčka. Tudi Wendy, pisateljica in strokovnjakinja na področju vzgoje, pričakuje otroka s svojim možem Garyjem, oba pa sta močno presenečena, ko izvesta, da bosta dobila dvojčka. Poklicna fotografinja Holly bi rada posvojila otroka, nad čimer njen mož Alex ni preveč navdušen, trenutek strasti med prepirljivima kuharjema Rosie in Marcom pa prav tako pripelje do trajnih posledic.
Originalni opis filma:
Five couples' intertwined lives are turned upside down by the challenges of impending parenthood. Over the moon about starting a family, TV fitness guru Jules and dance show star Evan find that their high-octane celebrity lives don't stand a chance against the surprise demands of pregnancy. Baby-crazy author and advocate Wendy gets a taste of her own militant mommy advice when pregnancy hormones ravage her body; while Wendy's husband, Gary, struggles not to be outdone by his competitive alpha-Dad, who's expecting twins with his much younger trophy wife, Skyler. Photographer Holly is prepared to travel the globe to adopt a child, but her husband Alex isn't so sure, and tries to quiet his panic by attending a "dudes" support group, where new fathers get to tell it like it really is. And rival food truck chefs Rosie and Marco's surprise hook-up results in an unexpected quandary: what to do when your first child comes before your first date?