Kuža Smitty
Smitty, ZDA, 94 min
Imdb ocena 5.4
Žanr: drama, družinski
Igrajo: Brandon Tyler Russell, Freddie James, Peter Fonda, Mira Sorvino
Režija: David Mickey Evans
Avtorji: Michael Baumgarten
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Problematični trinajstletnik Ben jo je spet zakuhal in njegova mama samohranilka ima dovolj njegovih lumparij. Tokrat se je s prijatelji zapletel v resne težave in na izbiro ima tri leta v zaporu za mladoletnike ali eno poletje na dedkovi kmetiji v Iowi. Ko prispe na kmetijo, bi si najraje premislil, saj ga namerava dedek s trdim delom spraviti k pameti. Da bi se Ben lažje privadil na podeželsko življenje, mu dedek podari kužka Smittyja. Ben se tako s pomočjo dedka, prijaznega soseda in Smittyja, za katerega mora skrbeti, nauči odgovornosti, nesebičnosti in vztrajnosti.
Originalni opis filma:
Thirteen year-old city brat Ben (Brandon Tyler Russell) has done it again... and his struggling, single mother (Mira Sorvino) has had enough of him getting into mischief. Now, Ben has to choose between going down the path of Juvi hall or spending the summer in Iowa on a farm with his estranged grandfather, Jack (Peter Fonda). The day after arriving, Ben is ready to leave. To help Ben get a friend, Jack gets him a smart farm dog from an animal shelter to keep Ben company and in line. Between the dog and a friendly neighbor (Louis Gossett, Jr.), Ben soon learns life lessons about friendship, family and responsibility. It may take a village to raise a child, but when you only have a handful of people and a dog at your side, you have to make do with what you have. Through it all, Ben has the most memorable summer of his life.