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Lincoln, 2012

Lincoln, ZDA, Indija, 150 min

Imdb ocena 7.4

Žanr: biografski, drama, zgodovinski

Igrajo: Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field, David Strathairn, Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Režija: Steven Spielberg

Avtorji: Tony Kushner (screenplay by), Doris Kearns Goodwin (based in part on the book "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln" by)

Jezik: angleški

Lincoln - Lincoln

Slovenski opis filma:

Drama, nagrajena z dvema oskarjema, predstavlja vpogled v zaključni del življenja in dela enega največjih ameriških predsednikov, Abrahama Lincolna. Ameriška državljanska vojna se po dolgih letih bliža koncu, toda predsednik Lincoln se trudi, da bi za vselej odpravil suženjstvo, kar za narod predstavlja drzno potezo. S tem, ko želi v senatu sprejeti 13. amandma k ustavi, s katerim bi suženjstvo v ZDA postalo nezakonito, naleti na močan odpor političnih nasprotnikov. Spoprijeti se bo moral s posledicami svojega dejanja na celoten svet in na tiste, ki so mu blizu.

Originalni opis filma:

In 1865, as the American Civil War winds inexorably toward conclusion, U.S. president Abraham Lincoln endeavors to achieve passage of the landmark constitutional amendment which will forever ban slavery from the United States. However, his task is a race against time, for peace may come at any time, and if it comes before the amendment is passed, the returning southern states will stop it before it can become law. Lincoln must, by almost any means possible, obtain enough votes from a recalcitrant Congress before peace arrives and it is too late. Yet the president is torn, as an early peace would save thousands of lives. As the nation confronts its conscience over the freedom of its entire population, Lincoln faces his own crisis of conscience -- end slavery or end the war.