Ljudje kot mi
People Like Us, ZDA, 114 min
Imdb ocena 7.1
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Chris Pine, Elizabeth Banks, Michael Hall D'Addario, Michelle Pfeiffer
Režija: Alex Kurtzman
Avtorji: Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Jody Lambert
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Sam, trgovec v svojih dvajsetih letih, nepričakovano izve, da mu je umrl oče.V duhoviti intimni drami je Chris Pine klepetavi trgovec Sam v svojih dvajsetih letih, čigar najnovejši posel se izjalovi tistega dne, ko prejme novico, da mu je nenadoma umrl oče. Nejevoljno se vrne domov, da bi uredil zapuščino pokojnika in se skuša spraviti z odtujeno družino. Medtem ko izpolnjuje očetovo poslednjo željo, izve skrivnost, ki ga močno pretrese. Ima namreč tridesetletno sestro (Elizabeth Banks), za katero sploh ni vedel. Potem ko se spoznata in zbližata, mora Sam vnovič pretehtati vse, kar je vedel o svoji družini, pri tem pa na novo ovrednotiti lastno življenje.
Originalni opis filma:
Workaholic and sleazy businessman Sam is extremely reluctant to leave New York and go to his father's funeral. When he finally arrives, it becomes apparent that his mother and girlfriend are disappointed in him for "running away" whenever times get too emotional. Soon afterwards, he discovers that his father was sleeping around with another woman, and that Sam actually has a half-sister whom he never knew existed. His father has willed her $150,000 and has left Sam with the task of getting it to her. Frankie is a bartender also wrapped up in work just like her half-brother, and she has had a bad past and has now been left with the job of being a single parent to her troublemaker son, Josh. Josh is eleven years old but curses like a sailor and constantly makes fart jokes and sex jokes, making him popular with the bad kid crowd at school, although behind the act, Josh is depressed and lonely. Now Sam has to find a way to fix the past and reunite his mom, nephew and half-sister together at last, but it won't be easy.