Nahrani me z besedami
Feed Me with Your Words, Slovenija, 88 min
Imdb ocena 6.5
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Sebastian Cavazza, Boris Cavazza, Jure Henigman, Franco Korosec
Režija: Martin Turk
Avtorji: Franz Rodenkirchen (script editor), Martin Turk
Jezik: slovenski, italijanski
Slovenski opis filma:
Po izginotju sina Roberta se njegov oče Janez odloči za pomoč zaprositi odtujenega sina Mateja. Ta kljub dvomom v nenavadne raziskave odide z očetom po bratovih sledeh v Italijo, dementno mamo pa prepustita v oskrbi Matejeve žene in najstniške hčerke. Matej in Janez v Italiji izvesta za skrivnostnega brezdomca, ki bi ju lahko pripeljal do Roberta, hkrati pa se nepričakovano zapletejo tudi odnosi med ženskim delom družine, saj se med babico in vnučko splete nenavadna vez.
Originalni opis filma:
In order to perfect his research, Robert travels to Italy, where he meets an unusual homeless man. Overwhelmed and confused by the unexpected encounter with that mysterious man, Robert begins to follow him and disappears without a trace. Robert's disappearance forces his father Janez to call his elder son Matej after years of no communication between them. Despite their unresolved conflicts from the past, Matej decides to help his father and they leave for Italy together. However, since Janez cannot leave his demented wife Irina home alone, Matej's wife Ana and their daughter Veronica temporarily move in with Irina.