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Operacija tortica

Operacija tortica, 2012

Operation Cupcake, ZDA, 88 min

Imdb ocena 5.8

Žanr: komedija

Igrajo: Dean Cain, Kristy Swanson, Wade Williams, Donna Pescow

Režija: Bradford May

Avtorji: Neal H. Dobrofsky, Tippi Dobrofsky

Jezik: angleški

Operacija tortica - Operation Cupcake

Slovenski opis filma:

Vojaški polkovnik Griff Carson se po dveh mesecih vrne domov iz misije, kjer ga pričakajo njegova žena Janet ter otroka Kim in Ollie. Ker čuti, da ni več del družine, se Griff odloči, da bo ženi pomagal v njeni pekarni s torticami. Vendar se kmalu izkaže, da njegov vojaški pristop pri peki tortic ne deluje, zato ga Janet skoraj nažene iz doma. Griff se odloči, da bo družini dokazal, da ni samo dober vojak, ampak tudi dober oče in partner.

Originalni opis filma:

When Army Colonel Griff Carson returns home from Germany on a two-month leave, he considers retiring if he doesn't get promoted to General. Being away on deployment has been hard on Griff, separating him from his wife Janet and two teenagers, Kim and Ollie. With his kids growing up and his wife busy opening a second bakeshop with a slimy business partner, Griff suddenly feels he no longer fits into his own family. Hoping to give him a sense of duty, Janet assigns him to help run her quaint cupcake shop. At first reluctant, Griff starts to take a military approach to his new job, never expecting it to backfire. Soon the bakery is a war zone, and one final screw-up almost sends the place up in smoke. Frustrated, Janet threatens to cut him out of their lives for good if he can't adjust to civilian family life. Refusing to give up, Griff is determined to prove to his family he's ready to be a full-time father, or else face the lonely life of a solitary military man.