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Pekel za poredne

Pekel za poredne, 2012

Bad Kids Go to Hell, ZDA, 91 min

Imdb ocena 4.5

Žanr: komedija, misterij, triler

Igrajo: Cameron Deane Stewart, Ben Browder, Jeffrey Schmidt, Ali Faulkner

Režija: Matthew Spradlin

Avtorji: Matthew Spradlin, Barry Wernick

Jezik: angleški

Pekel za poredne - Bad Kids Go to Hell

Slovenski opis filma:

Nekega temačnega in nevihtnega popoldneva se šest študentov elitne akademije znajde skupaj v šolskem priporu. Kmalu pa se na šoli začnejo dogajati nenavadne stvari. Tekom služenja njihovih kazni vsak izmed razvajenih študentov postane žrtev nesreče v sumljivih okoliščinah. Ko ostane živ samo še eden izmed njih, postane jasno, da se je nekdo ali nekaj spravilo na najbolj poredne in razvajene študente šole, ki jih pred pogubo ne more rešiti niti bogastvo njihovih staršev.

Originalni opis filma:

The Breakfast Club meets The Grudge in this sexy, dark comedy-thriller! Six prep school kids from Crestview Academy, home to the spoiled offspring of society's elite, find themselves stuck in detention on a frightfully dark and stormy Saturday afternoon. During their 8 hour incarceration, each of the six kids falls victim to a horrible "accident" until only one of them remains. As each of these spoiled rich kids bites the dust, the story takes on a series of humorous and frantic twists and turns. Is one of the kids secretly evening the school's social playing field? Or have the ghosts of prestigious Crestview Academy finally come to punish the school's worst (and seemingly untouchable) brats? One thing is for sure...Daddy's money can't save them now. (Based on the best selling indie comic book series/graphic novel of the same name.)