Politični peskovnik
The Campaign, ZDA, 85 min
Imdb ocena 6.1
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis, Dylan McDermott
Režija: Jay Roach
Avtorji: Chris Henchy (scenarij), Shawn Harwell (scenarij), Adam McKay (zgodba), Chris Henchy (zgodba), Shawn Harwell (zgodba)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Zabavna komedija, v kateri nas čaka najbolj umazana politična igra vseh časov, saj bosta tekmeca uporabila tudi nizke udarce. Ko se dolgoletnemu predstavniku v kongresu Camu Bradyju v predvolilnem času pripeti neljub javni incident, lobisti v volilni kotel potisnejo naivnega Martyja. Sprva se Marty zdi kot neškodljiv kandidat, vendar s pomočjo svojih donatorjev kmalu postane kandidat, ki povzroča velike skrbi karizmatičnemu Camu. Volitve se bližajo, dvojica pa se zapleta v čedalje bolj umazano politično tekmo in celo zasebne afere.
Originalni opis filma:
When Cam Brady (D-NC), a four-term Congressman, becomes a liability, the Motch brothers (think Koch brothers) recruit Marty Huggins, the son of a Republican heavy hitter, to run against him and be their vehicle to establish factories in the district that will import cheap Chinese labor. Trouble is, Marty is a lightweight, so his makeover falls to consultant Tim Wattley. The race tightens as Cam constantly shoots himself in the foot, while the prospect of winning also changes Marty and his family's dynamics. Meanwhile, Cam plays dirty, and Marty cottons on to the Moches' grand plan. What options do the rich have to get their way?