Varnost ni zagotovljena
Safety Not Guaranteed, ZDA, 86 min
Imdb ocena 7.0
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Aubrey Plaza, Lauren Carlos, Basil Harris, Mary Lynn Rajskub
Režija: Colin Trevorrow
Avtorji: Derek Connolly
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Darius je mlada novinarka pripravnica iz Seattla, ki dobi priložnost raziskati, kdo je avtor nenavadnega oglasa, v katerem njegov avtor išče sopotnika, ki bi se z njim odpravil v preteklost. Skupaj z novinarjem Jeffom in kolegom pripravnikom Arnauom se Darius odpravi v obalno mestece, kjer živi Kenneth, moški, ki trdi, da je ustvaril časovni stroj, s katerim lahko potuje skozi čas. Toda ali je Kenneth le še eden izmed sodobnih norcev ali je res sposoben potovati v preteklost?
Originalni opis filma:
Darius is a young intern at a Seattle-based magazine and jumps at the chance to investigate the author of a classified ad seeking someone to travel back in time with. Along with Jeff, the staff writer, and Arnau, a fellow intern, the three go on a road trip to a coastal town. While Jeff just wants to chase after his high school crush and Arnau wants some kind of life experience, Darius spends her time with Kenneth, a man who believes that he has built a time machine. The closer they become and the more they understand about each other, the less clear it becomes if Kenneth is just crazy or if he actually is going to successfully travel back in time.