Vse za denar
One for the Money, ZDA, 91 min
Imdb ocena 5.3
Žanr: akcijski, komedija, kriminalni
Igrajo: Katherine Heigl, Jason O'Mara, Daniel Sunjata, John Leguizamo
Režija: Julie Anne Robinson
Avtorji: Stacy Sherman (scenarij), Karen Ray (scenarij), Liz Brixius (scenarij), Janet Evanovich (novela)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Potem ko se je ločila in izgubila službo, se obupana Stephanie Plum zaposli pri svojem bratrancu, ki vodi podjetje za dodeljevanje varščin. Stephanie hitro pokaže nadarjenost za iskanje pobeglih obtožencev, ki podjetju dolgujejo denar, zaplete pa se, ko mora najti bivšega policista Joeja Morellija, ki ji je v srednji šoli strl srce, zdaj pa je obtožen za zločin, za katerega trdi, da ga ni zagrešil. Čeprav sprva dvomi, mu je Stephanie nazadnje pripravljena verjeti in mu pomagati dokazati nedolžnost, s tem pa se tudi sama zaplete v življenjsko nevarnost.
Originalni opis filma:
After losing her job, Jersey girl Stephanie Plum is broke. Needing a job she is told that her cousin, a bail bondsman, needs someone to help out in the office. But the only job openings he has are for skip tracers. She learns that Joe Morelli, a guy she knew intimately years ago, is one of the "skips". She eventually finds him but wasn't really prepared so he gets away. Another bounty hunter, Ranger, tries to teach her. Eventually she finds Morelli again, but he claims he is innocent of the crime he is accused of and he is trying to prove his innocence. Eventually Stephanie thinks he's telling the truth so she stakes out the person who can help him. She only finds herself in trouble and Morelli saves her. She tries to find someone who can prove his innocence, but the problem is that shortly after meeting with them they're killed or attacked.