Zvesti sopotnik
Darling Companion, ZDA, 103 min
Imdb ocena 5.1
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Diane Keaton, Kevin Kline, Dianne Wiest, Richard Jenkins
Režija: Lawrence Kasdan
Avtorji: Meg Kasdan, Lawrence Kasdan
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Zgodba o ženski, ki ima svojega psa rajši od svojega moža, nakar njen mož psa izgubi.Beth in njena hčerka Grace nekega dne ob avtocesti naletita na zapuščenega psa. Tako Beth dobi novega pasjega prijatelja Freewaya, s katerim se močno zbližata. Grace s pomočjo najdenega psa hitro najde svojo boljšo polovico, čednega veterinarja Sama, medtem ko Bethin zakon z arogantnim kirurgom Josephom vse bolj razpada. Leto dni pozneje se Grace in Sam poročita v družinski gorski koči, Joseph pa psa med sprehodom v divjini izgubi. Obupana Beth se s preostalimi svati odpravi na naporno iskanje.
Originalni opis filma:
Mother and daughter, Beth and Grace, find a bedraggled dog on the side of the freeway. Taking it home and rescuing it, the dog helps Grace meet a man. But Beth's husband, Joseph, hates the dog and just might cause even more friction in their marriage. While at their remote cabin for a weekend wedding with family, Joseph loses the dog and Beth isn't going home until they find it. With help from their nephew, Joseph's sister, her new boyfriend, and their psychic gypsy maid, the family search high and low for the missing dog and in the process find that they also need to mend their own relationships.