Batman: Vrnitev Viteza teme
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2, ZDA, 76 min
Imdb ocena 8.4
Žanr: risani, akcijski, avantura
Igrajo: Peter Weller, Ariel Winter, Michael Emerson, David Selby
Režija: Jay Oliva
Avtorji: Bob Kane (character created by: Batman), Jerry Siegel (character created by: Superman), Joe Shuster (character created by: Superman), Frank Miller (comic book), Klaus Janson (comic book), Bob Goodman
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Temnemu vitezu je uspelo pregnati sile zla iz Gothama in v mestu je končno posijal žarek upanja, prvič po koncu vladavine Mutantov. Zdaj se bo pa srečal z veliko hujšim sovražnokom – Jokerjem. Ta je skoval peklensko zlobni načrt, ki naj bi Batmana takoj pahnil v obup. Na obzorju se kažejo obrisi globalne katastrofe, ki drvi proti Gothamu in prihaja v spremstvu znanega obraza: samega Jeklenega moža. Le da se tokrat obrne zoper Batmana in ostareli Temni vitez bo moral v boju proti zlu vnovič dokazovati, kako sta junaštvo in volja brezčasni vrlini.
Originalni opis filma:
After a 10 year absence, the Dark Knight has returned to Gotham to fight the Mutant threat. After defeating the mutants, he has taken control of a gang loyal to him in order to make Gotham a safer place. But, the Joker has decided to stop this, and fights against Batman in a deadly duel. Meanwhile, the Man of Steel is ordered to stop the Dark Knight because the government believes that his ways are wrong. As Batman fights the Joker, the Man of Steel prepares for his greatest fight.