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Carrie, 2013

Carrie, ZDA, 100 min

Imdb ocena 5.9

Žanr: drama, grozljivka

Igrajo: Julianne Moore, Chloë Grace Moretz, Gabriella Wilde, Portia Doubleday

Režija: Kimberly Peirce

Avtorji: Lawrence D. Cohen (scenarij), Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (scenarij), Stephen King (novela)

Jezik: angleški

Carrie - Carrie

Slovenski opis filma:

Izobčeno najstnico Carrie White ustrahujejo sošolci v srednji šoli. Njena mati, Margaret White, je pobožna in paranoična ženska, ki povsod vidi greh. Chris Hargensen posname Carrie s svojim mobilnim telefonom in posnetek objavi na internetu. Učiteljica, ga. Desjardin, kaznuje učence. Chris tako ne sme na zaključni ples. Medtem Carrie odkrije, da ima telepatske sposobnosti in se uči, kako jih nadzorovati. Sue Snell, ena od deklet, ki so mučile Carrie, se počuti slabo in prosi svojega fanta Tommyja Rossa, naj povabi Carrie na ples. Toda Chris in njen fant Billy Nolan načrtujeta zlobno potegavščino kot maščevanje za Carrie.

Originalni opis filma:

The outcast teenager Carrie White is bullied by her classmates at high school. Her mother, Margaret White, is a pious and paranoid woman that sees sin everywhere and the need of self-inflicting punishment. When Carrie has her first period, she does not understand what is happening to her and her classmates humiliate her in the changing room. The spiteful Chris Hargensen videotapes Carrie with her cell phone and posts it on the Internet. Their teacher Ms. Desjardin punishes the students, but when Chris challenges her, she is suspended and consequently is banned from the prom. Meanwhile, Carrie discovers that she has telekinesis and learns how to control her ability. Sue Snell, one of the girls that tormented Carrie, feels bad and asks her boyfriend Tommy Ross to invite Carrie to go with him to the prom to make up for what she did to Carrie. But Chris and her boyfriend Billy Nolan plot an evil prank with her friends to seek vengeance for Carrie.