Kategorija 8: Armagedon
CAT. 8, Kanada, 180 min
Imdb ocena 4.3
Žanr: akcijski, znanstvena fantastika, triler
Igrajo: Matthew Modine, Maxim Roy, Ted Whittall, Trevor Hayes
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Film si bomo ogledali v dveh delih. Znanstvenik Michael Mitchell velja za najboljšega solarnega fizika v ZDA, ki se je odločil prekiniti sodelovanje z ameriško vojsko potem, ko se je ta odločila njegovo delo izkoristiti v vojne namene in razviti mogočno orožje. Njegovo delo je nadaljeval Mitchllov nesposobni namestnik, ki je ministru za obrambo dovolil testiranje novega orožja na solarni pogon. Njuno nepremišljeno dejanje povzroči nastanek Sončevega sija in ogromnega oblaka plazme, ki potuje naravnost proti Zemlji in s tem ogrozi življenje na našem planetu.
Originalni opis filma:
A research program abandoned by the best solar physicist when the Pentagon wanted to put it to military use has been resumed by his former deputy. Her incompetence and the Defense secretary's haste cause it to be tested too soon, stirring unprecedented solar flares, ultimately a plasma causing disasters on all continents. Only the genius can think of a way out, only to be victimized by the secretary, who needs to cover up. Even when it turns out the earth's core has stopped spinning, spelling an unimaginable seismic apocalypse, the genius must still evade special forces to stay free and save the world again.