Letni tabor
Camp, ZDA, 109 min
Imdb ocena 6.9
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Miles Elliot, Betsy Roth, Josh Berry, Michael Mattera
Režija: Jacob Roebuck
Avtorji: Jacob Roebuck, Kristin Wolven (additional writer), Johnston Moore (additional writer)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Da bi naredil vtis na potencialno stranko, finančni svetovalec Ken Matthews postane svetovalec v taboru za otroke v rejniškem sistemu. Desetletni Eli je odločen, da sovraži tabor. Vendar, ko Ken odkrije Elijevo temno preteklost, se njegova ravnodušnost spremeni v sočutje. Je morda prepozno, da bi pomagal prestrašenemu fantu, ki ga nihče ne želi?
Originalni opis filma:
To impress a potential client, financial adviser Ken Matthews signs up to be a counselor at a camp for children in the foster system. He is paired with Eli, a 10-year-old determined to hate camp. However, when Ken discovers Eli's dark past, his apathy turns to compassion. But is he to late to help the scared boy nobody wants? Inspired by true stories of ordinary people providing extraordinary help for abused and neglected children, "Camp" is a tale of hope shining in the dark places for forgotten children. For his performance in the role of Eli, actor Miles Elliot won Best Performance in a Feature Film by a Leading Young Actor at the 35th annual Young Artist Awards.