Mary in Martha
Mary and Martha, Velika Britanija, ZDA, 95 min
Imdb ocena 6.9
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Hilary Swank, Brenda Blethyn, Sam Claflin, Frank Grillo
Režija: Phillip Noyce
Avtorji: Richard Curtis
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Zgodba o dveh materah, ki ju poveže smrt njunih sinov.Ameriško notranjo oblikovalko Mary in angleško gospodinjo Martho poveže tragedija, v kateri sta umrla njuna sinova. Njuno smrt je povzročila malarija v Afriki. Prijateljstvo dveh žensk preraste v sodelovanje, posvečeno boju proti tej bolezni. S pomočjo Maryjinega odtujenega očeta in nekdanjega politika se v Washingtonu borita za finančna sredstva, ki bi omogočila zaščito pred malarijo v Mozambiku.
Originalni opis filma:
Hilary Swank stars as Mary and Brenda Blethyn stars as Martha, an American interior designer and British housewife who have little in common apart from the one thing they wish they didn't. When malaria strikes, the lives of these very different women change forever. They forge a deep friendship and embark on an epic journey of self-discovery to Africa, dedicating themselves to the cause of malaria prevention. Beginning to rebuild their lives, they show how ordinary people can make a difference and inspire positive change in the process. Enlisting the help of Mary's estranged father, a former politico, the two women beseech both the powers that be and ordinary people to get involved, realizing a shared responsibility to all the world's children.