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Osamljeni jezdec

Osamljeni jezdec, 2013

The Lone Ranger, ZDA, 150 min

Imdb ocena 6.5

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, vestern

Igrajo: Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, William Fichtner, Tom Wilkinson

Režija: Gore Verbinski

Avtorji: Justin Haythe (scenarij), Ted Elliott (scenarij), Terry Rossio (scenarij), Ted Elliott (screen story), Terry Rossio (screen story), Justin Haythe (screen story)

Jezik: angleški, North American Indian

Osamljeni jezdec - The Lone Ranger

Slovenski opis filma:

Ustvarjalci pustolovščine Pirati s Karibov nas iz morskih prostranstev vabijo na Divji zahod, ki ga spoznamo skozi oči čudaškega Indijanca Tonta.Indijanec Tonto v puščavi naleti na napol mrtvega šerifa Johna in ga s pomočjo indijanske magije vrne v svet živih. Da bi se maščeval zlobnim zločincem in podkupljenim uradnikom, si John nadene identiteto skrivnostnega pravičnika Osamljenega jezdeca. S Tontom se pogumno podata v številne vrtoglave dogodivščine in divje spopade, ki jih lahko preživita le s pomočjo neustrašne drznosti, velike spretnosti in tudi kančka neverjetne sreče.

Originalni opis filma:

In the 1930s, an elderly Tonto tells a young boy the tale of John Reid, the Lone Ranger. An idealistic lawyer, he rides with his brother and fellow Texas Rangers in pursuit of the notorious Butch Cavendish. Ambushed by the outlaw and left for dead, John Reid is rescued by the renegade Comanche, Tonto, at the insistence of a mysterious white horse and offers to help him to bring Cavendish to justice. Becoming a reluctant masked rider with a seemingly incomprehensible partner, Reid pursues the criminal against all obstacles. However, John and Tonto learn that Cavendish is only part of a far greater injustice and the pair must fight it in an adventure that would make them a legend.