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Prekletstvo, 2013

D'Curse, ZDA, 95 min

Imdb ocena 5.7

Žanr: akcijski

Igrajo: Michael Wright, Alex Maisonette, Felipe Luciano, Rocky Passafaro

Režija: Alex Maisonette

Avtorji: Alex Maisonette

Jezik: angleški

Prekletstvo - D'Curse

Slovenski opis filma:

Policaj Ruda je policaj čez dan in ponoči religiozni 'santerio' črne magije. Nekega dne policist z imenom James ustreli in ubije sina velikega duhovnika in namerava reči, da je imel pištolo, čeprav to dejansko ni res. Ker je vse laž in je moški, ki je bil umorjen, imel mamo in brata med velikimi duhovniki, sta priklicala prekletstvo na policaja in vsakogar, ki je sodeloval v primeru in pričal v prid policista. Zdaj policija potrebuje pomoč Rude za prekinitev prekletstva.

Originalni opis filma:

NYPD cop Ruda, a cop during the day and a religious Santerio (High Ranking Priest) of "Black Magic" by night. One day a cop named James shoots and kills a son of a high priest in Santeria and Officer James plans to say the man did have a gun when he actually didn't. Being that it was a lie and the man that was killed had a mother and a brother that were High Preists in Santeria, they placed a Curse on the cop and everyone that's involved in the case that were testifying on the behalf of the cop that shot the man. Now a curse was placed and bad things started to happen to the cops. Now the NYPD needs Ruda's help to break the curse.