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Purana na begu

Purana na begu, 2013

Free Birds, ZDA, 91 min

Imdb ocena 5.8

Žanr: risani, avantura, komedija, družinski, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson, Amy Poehler, George Takei

Režija: Jimmy Hayward

Avtorji: Scott Mosier (scenarij), Jimmy Hayward (scenarij), David I. Stern (zgodba), John J. Strauss (zgodba), Russell Leigh Sharman

Jezik: angleški

Purana na begu - Free Birds

Slovenski opis filma:

Zabavna in nenavadna zgodba o puranu Reggieju, ki mu predsedniška pomilostitev na praznik zahvalnega dne omogoči lagodno in brezskrbno življenje. Toda to je račun brez junaškega purana Jaka, ki Reggieja vzame s seboj v časovni stroj, namenjen v čas prvega praznovanja zahvalnega dne. Jake namerava poskrbeti, da se purani ne bodo nikoli znašli na tradicionalnem prazničnem jedilniku, kar Reggieju povzroči številne komične in boleče prigode.

Originalni opis filma:

After years of fruitless warning of his farmyard brethren of the coming Thanksgiving doom, Reggie the Turkey finds himself spared as the annual Pardoned Turkey. However, Reggie's easy life is disrupted by Jake, a fanatic turkey who drags him along with the insane idea of going back in time to make sure turkeys are not part of the first Thanksgiving. Through foolhardiness and luck, the pair manage to take an experimental time machine to do just that. Now in 1621 at the Plymouth colony, Reggie and Jake find themselves in the middle of a turkey clan's struggle for survival. In doing so, their preconceptions of the world and themselves are challenged forever in a conflict from which the world will never be the same.