Smrtonosna sila
Force of Execution, ZDA, 99 min
Imdb ocena 4.4
Žanr: akcijski, kriminalni
Igrajo: Steven Seagal, Ving Rhames, Danny Trejo, Bren Foster
Režija: Keoni Waxman
Avtorji: Richard Beattie, Michael Black
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Poglavar podzemlja Thomas Douglas si je ustvaril lastni kriminalni imperij. Toda po toliko letih je naveličan kriminalnega življenja, zato se odloči, da se bo upokojil. Hkrati se pojavi ambiciozni zločinec Iceman, ki si želi zasesti njegovo mesto. Edini, ki lahko pomaga Douglasu je njegov varovanec in plačani morilec, vendar ima tudi on svoje probleme in dileme. Pripravlja se epska bitka, ki jo bo preživel samo eden izmed njiju.
Originalni opis filma:
"Force of Execution" is the story about a crime lord torn between his legacy and his desire to get out of the life of crime that has built his empire, when a new player to the scene tries to use the town anti-hero's network to climb to power. The only friend the crime lord has is his assassin protégé who has troubles of his own. An epic battle of under bosses and crime lords. Only one will come out alive or will they?