Udar ljubezni
The Love Punch, Francija, Velika Britanija, 94 min
Imdb ocena 5.7
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Emma Thompson, Pierce Brosnan, Celia Imrie, Timothy Spall
Režija: Joel Hopkins
Avtorji: Joel Hopkins, Tess Morris (additional writing by)
Jezik: angleški, francoski
Slovenski opis filma:
Nekdanja zakonca združita moči, da bi dobila nazaj denar, ki so jima ga ukradli iz pokojninskega sklada.Richard in Kate sta ločenca, ki sta ostala prijatelja. Richard, ki je tik pred upokojitvijo, izve, da so delnice podjetja, v katerem dela, zamrznili, ker je podjetje v preiskavi. Zamrznjen je tudi pokojninski sklad. Ko lastnik podjetja Vincent zapusti državo, se Richard in Kate odločita, da mu bosta sledila. Ko ugotovita, da mu ni mar za zaposlene, se odločita denar dobiti na drug način – s krajo diamanta, ki ga je Vincent podaril dekletu Manon, zato se Kate zbliža z njo.
Originalni opis filma:
Richard and Kate are a divorced couple who have an amicable relationship. Richard who's about to retire learns that his company's assets have been frozen because it's under investigation and that includes the pension fund. When the owner goes out of the country, Richard decides to pursue him and Kate goes with him. When they learn the man doesn't care about the employees, they decide to get the money some other way; by stealing the diamond he gave his girlfriend. So they follow them and Kate gets close to the girlfriend.