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Vikinška saga: Najtemnejši dan

Vikinška saga: Najtemnejši dan, 2013

A Viking Saga: The Darkest Day, Velika Britanija, 88 min

Imdb ocena 4.1

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, triler

Igrajo: Gareth John Bale, Ian Dicks, Richard Elfyn, Lindsey Fickling

Režija: Chris Crow

Avtorji: Chris Crow, Graham Davidson

Jezik: angleški

Vikinška saga: Najtemnejši dan - A Viking Saga: The Darkest Day

Slovenski opis filma:

Zgodba spremlja mladega meniha Herewarda, ki mu uspe zbežati pred krvavim in brutalnim napadom Vikingov. Pokolu se Hereward izogne skupaj s prijateljem, s katerim s seboj odneseta dragoceno religiozno knjigo, ki je prekrita z zlatom. Toda ko za to izvedo pobesneli Vikingi, se odpravijo za njima, odločeni, da se bodo polastili knjige. Meniha se trudita, da bi knjigo prinesla do varnega zatočišča, toda na poti se bosta morala spopasti z mnogimi preprekami.

Originalni opis filma:

Inspired by true events. Cast into a violent and bloody world of murder, Hereward, a novice monk, must deliver the Holy Gospel of Lindisfarne - a book of great beauty and power - to the safety of the Iona monastery, while being pursued by a Viking death squad hell- bent on its capture. On his way to the monastery, he meets a fierce and skilled swordsman who answers his prayers and dedicates his life to protecting Hereward while he delivers the book. In the midst of their journey, they are confronted by Vikings ready to kill in order to get what they want, leaving Hereward and his protector at their mercy.