Breakout, Kanada, 89 min
Imdb ocena 4.1
Žanr: akcijski, triler
Igrajo: Brendan Fraser, Dominic Purcell, Ethan Suplee, Holly Deveaux
Režija: Damian Lee
Avtorji: Christian Piers Betley (na podlagi zgodbe tega avtorja), Damian Lee, Deborah Wakeham (na podlagi zgodbe tega avtorja)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Oče mora ščititi svojo hčer in sina pred nevarnima morilcema. Zgodba se začne, ko otroka na kampiranju v naravi z družinskim prijateljem po naključju vidita umor. Ko morilca začneta po divjini iskati otroka, da bi si zagotovila njun molk, postanejo stvari zelo nevarne. Njun oče mora nujno posredovati in zagotoviti, da se jima ne bo nič zgodilo.
Originalni opis filma:
An innocent camping trip takes a dark turn for a young brother and sister, when they witness a murder. The young siblings become the killers' next target as they are chased and hunted through the wilderness. Serving time over a protest gone terribly wrong, their father, Jack Damson (Fraser), devises a plan to break out of prison and rescue his kids from the pair of criminals, Tommy (Purcell) and Kenny (Suplee). A fight for survival ensues in the action-packed thriller where the hunters become the hunted.