Igra brez naključja
The Fixer, Kanada
Imdb ocena 6.0
Žanr: akcijski, triler
Igrajo: Eric Dane, Kathleen Robertson, Andrew Airlie, Kyle Switzer
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Film o skrivnostni zaroti si bomo ogledali v dveh delih. Kaj če bi odkrili, da so bile vse katastrofe in nenavadne nesreče v preteklih nekaj letih prirejene in sploh niso bile naključne? Preiskava nenavadne nesreče na naftni ploščadi pripelje preiskovalko Ellie Molaro do smrtonosne zarote. Potem ko se odloči za iskanje sledi na lastno pest, jo kontaktira skrivnostni Carter, ki ji zaupa šokantne informacije.
Originalni opis filma:
Suspicious of the "official answers" to an oil rig disaster, Ellie Molaro (Robertson), investigator with the National Transportation Safety Board, spearheads a private investigation with a secret tipster named Carter (Dane). Carter claims that a conspiracy of "Fixers" are behind the worst disasters in the country, all rigged to manipulate the stock market, and reap billions for a select few. Now, their largest operation in decades is an impending, catastrophic event targeting Washington, D.C. and the only way they can succeed is if Ellie and Carter are among the casualties.