Ko se krešejo iskrice
When Sparks Fly, ZDA, 86 min
Imdb ocena 5.1
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Meghan Markle, Lochlyn Munro, Chelsey Reist, Jerry Trimble
Režija: Gary Yates
Avtorji: Carol Starr Schneider (tv priredba), Carol Starr Schneider
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Zgodba o stari ljubezni, ki ni nikoli ugasnila.Hank načrtuje, da bo svoje dolgoletno dekle Amy zaprosil za roko. A še preden mu uspe postaviti vprašanje, mu ona pove, da je dobila sanjsko službo v Chicagu. Hank spozna, da se razmerje na daljavo ne bo obneslo, in njuni poti se tako ločita. Sedem let pozneje se Amy vrne v domači kraj in ugotovi, da se bo njena najboljša prijateljica poročila s Hankom. Ko ji pomaga pri pripravi na poroko, postane očitno, da ljubezen med Amy in Hankom ni nikoli ugasnila …
Originalni opis filma:
Young journalist Amy Peterson (Markle) is not as happy with her big city life as she'd hoped, and it's starting to show in her work. She's also not thrilled with her current boyfriend, Phil (Munro), a GQ-handsome businessman who doesn't quite click with her. When circulation at the Chicago Post starts to wane, Amy's editor sends her back to her hometown to write an article about growing up in her parents' (MacKechnie and Samuda) fireworks business. With the Fourth of July at hand, this human-interest story will be just what the Chicago Post needs. Amy arrives home to write her article, but is quickly derailed by her best friend, Sammie (Pesic), who enlists Amy to be the official planner of her upcoming Fourth of July wedding to - of all people - Amy's ex-boyfriend, Hank (Jacot). As Amy struggles to cater to Sallie's wedding demands and work on her newspaper assignment, her feelings for Hank start to resurface. Is Hank feeling the same way? Will their old flame rekindle as the time approaches for sparks to fly?