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Kvartopirec, 2014

The Gambler, ZDA, 111 min

Imdb ocena 6.0

Žanr: kriminalni, drama, triler

Igrajo: Mark Wahlberg, George Kennedy, Griffin Cleveland, Jessica Lange

Režija: Rupert Wyatt

Avtorji: William Monahan (scenarij), James Toback

Jezik: angleški

Kvartopirec - The Gambler

Slovenski opis filma:

Jim Bennett, profesor angleškega jezika in obsesivni kockar, rad tvega. Zaradi dolgov, ki si jih je nakopal z igrami na srečo, si sposodi denar od nevarnega kriminalca, kot varščino pa zastavi vse, kar ima: svoje življenje. Kot da vse skupaj ne bi bilo že dovolj slabo, si je del denarja izposodil tudi od svoje bogate matere, okoliščine pa otežuje še njegova romanca z lepo študentko Amy. Priložnost, da se reši iz zagate, se pojavi, ko spozna poslovneža in oderuha Franka. Jo bo Jim izkoristil ali pa mu bo sreča še zadnjič obrnila hrbet?

Originalni opis filma:

Jim Bennett is a risk taker. Both an English professor and a high-stakes gambler, Bennett bets it all when he borrows from a gangster and offers his own life as collateral. Always one step ahead, Bennett pits his creditor against the operator of a gambling ring and leaves his dysfunctional relationship with his wealthy mother in his wake. He plays both sides, immersing himself in an illicit, underground world while garnering the attention of Frank, a loan shark with a paternal interest in Bennett's future. As his relationship with a student deepens, Bennett must take the ultimate risk for a second chance...