Ljubezen je čudna reč
Love Is Strange, ZDA, Grčija, Brazilija, 94 min
Imdb ocena 6.7
Žanr: drama, romantični
Igrajo: Alfred Molina, John Lithgow, Darren E. Burrows, Charlie Tahan
Režija: Ira Sachs
Avtorji: Ira Sachs, Mauricio Zacharias
Jezik: angleški, ruski
Slovenski opis filma:
/ LJUBEZEN JE ČUDNA REČ / USA | FRA | BRAZIL | GREECE / 2014 Režija: Ira Sachs / Scenarij: Ira Sachs in Mauricio Zacharias / Igrajo: John Lithgow, Alfred Molina, Marisa Tomei, Darren E. Burrows, Charlie Tahan, Cheyenne Jackson, Olya Zueva, Tatyana Zbirovskaya, Tank Burt, John Cullum… Po skoraj štirih desetletjih skupnega življenja se geja Ben in George odločita za uradno poroko… Vse se zdi na mestu, prijatelji so navdušeni, onadva sta končno zares skupaj… Toda ko njuna zveza postane uradna, George izgubi službo. Zaradi denarnih težav si ne moreta več privoščiti skupnega stanovanja, zato se Ben naseli pri sorodnikih, George pa pri nekdanjih sosedih… Namesto, da bi bila končno skupaj, sta sedaj spet ločena; poleg številnih težav in nezgod z novimi sostanovalci, v njunem okolju nenadoma spet vzniknejo predsodki… Še nedolgo nazaj sta bila trden, samozavesten par intelektualcev, sedaj se ju spet polaščajo dvomi o smiselnosti obstoja njune zveze…
Originalni opis filma:
After nearly four decades together, Ben (John Lithgow) and George (Alfred Molina) finally tie the knot in an idyllic wedding ceremony in lower Manhattan. But when George loses his job soon after, the couple must sell their apartment and - victims of the relentless New York City real estate market - temporarily live apart until they can find an affordable new home. While George moves in with two cops (Cheyenne Jackson and Manny Perez) who live down stairs, Ben lands in Brooklyn with his nephew (Darren Burrows), his wife (Marisa Tomei), and their temperamental teenage son (Charlie Tahan), with whom Ben shares a bunk bed. While struggling with the pain of separation, Ben and George are further challenged by the intergenerational tensions and capricious family dynamics of their new living arrangements.