Najbolj jezen človek v Brooklynu
The Angriest Man in Brooklyn, ZDA, 83 min
Imdb ocena 5.7
Žanr: komedija, drama
Igrajo: Robin Williams, Mila Kunis, Peter Dinklage, Melissa Leo
Režija: Phil Alden Robinson
Avtorji: Daniel Taplitz (scenarij), Assi Dayan (based on the film "The 92 Minutes of Mr. Baum" written by)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Henry Altmann je ves čas nesrečen in besen na cel svet, odkar je umrl njegov najstarejši sin. Nekega dne se odpravi k zdravniku, kjer izve, da ima možgansko anevrizmo. To ga še bolj razbesni, zato vso jezo strese na zdravnico Sharon, ki mu užaljena zabrusi, da ima le še 90 minut življenja. Pretresen Henry oddrvi iz ordinacije, odločen, da se spravi z vsemi, ki jih je v življenju prizadel.
Originalni opis filma:
Some people have bad days. Henry Altmann (Williams) has one every day. Always unhappy and angry at the world including everyone in it, Henry sits impatiently at the doctor's office when he is finally seen by Dr. Sharon Gill (Kunis). Sharon, who is enduring her own bad day, reveals that Henry has a brain aneurysm. This news makes Henry even angrier, yelling at Sharon he demands to know how much time he has left. Faced with Henry's anger and insults, Sharon abruptly tells him he has only 90 minutes. Shocked and reeling by this news, Henry storms out of the office leaving Sharon stunned by what she has just done in a lapse of judgment. As Sharon goes on a city-wide search, Henry struggles with his diagnosis, determined to make amends with everyone he has hurt in his life.