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Pod krvavo rdečim soncem

Pod krvavo rdečim soncem, 2014

Under the Blood-Red Sun, United States, 99 min

Imdb ocena 6.0

Žanr: drama, družinski, zgodovinski

Igrajo: Kyler Ki Sakamoto, Kalama Epstein, Dann Seki

Režija: Tim Savage

Avtorji: Graham Salisbury

Jezik: angleški

Pod krvavo rdečim soncem - Under the Blood-Red Sun

Slovenski opis filma:

Havaji, leta 1941. Idilično življenje 13-letnega japonskega dečka Tomija se za vedno spremeni, ko se na nebu nenadoma pojavijo japonska letala, ki napadejo Pearl Harbor. Njegovega očeta in dedka odpeljejo v internacijsko taborišče, do njegove družine pa se začnejo sovražno obnašati. Tomi je razpet med svojo japonsko kulturno tradicijo in se mora naučiti postaviti zase. Zgodba o pogumu, časti, zvestobi in prijateljstvu.

Originalni opis filma:

December 7, 1941 - On a Sunday morning, TOMIKAZU (TOMI) NAKAJI and his best friend BILLY DAVIS are playing baseball in a field near their homes in Hawaii when the Japanese launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. As Tomi looks up and recognizes the Blood-Red Sun emblem on the fighter planes, he knows that his life has changed forever. Soon, his father and grandfather, both Japanese Americans, are arrested and taken to internment camps. His mother loses her job because she is Japanese. Although Tomi feels frightened and ashamed of his native land, he is quickly forced to become the man of the family. "Under the Blood-Red Sun" is an unforgettable tale of courage, honor, survival and friendship.