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Ponos, 2014

Pride, Velika Britanija, Francija, 119 min

Imdb ocena 7.8

Žanr: biografski, komedija, drama

Igrajo: Ben Schnetzer, Abram Rooney, Jim McManus, George MacKay

Režija: Matthew Warchus

Avtorji: Stephen Beresford (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški, Welsh

Ponos - Pride

Slovenski opis filma:

Leto produkcije: 2014 Država: Velika Britanija Žanr: drama Režija: Matthew Warchus Scenarij: Stephen Beresford Igrajo: Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West, Paddy Considine, Joseph Gilgun Leto 1984, Velika Britanija. Epoha železne lady, brezkompromisne grobarke države blaginje, Margaret Thatcher. Vsedržavno združenje rudarjev začne stavko, v protest proti planiranemu zapiranju rudnikov, ki v marsikateri regiji pomenijo edino možnost zaposlitve. Vlada se predvideno odzove brutalno, zato so rudarske družine na robu lakote. Po celi državi vznikajo skupine, ki v znak solidarnosti zbirajo sredstva za stavkajoče rudarje. Eno takih je tudi združenje gajev in lezbijk, ki ima v bistvu enake nasprotnike kot rudarji – vlado, policijo in tabloide. Ko jim ne uspe nakazati zbranega denarja na račun združenja rudarjev, se manjša skupina pobudnikov solidarnostne akcije v razmajenem kombiju odpravi v odmaknjeno vasico v Walesu. Trk dveh kultur je sprva kar radikalen, sčasoma pa se med njima razvije prekrasna zgodba o prijateljstvu in solidarnosti. Film je posnet po resničnih dogodkih, v njem nastopa cvetober res izjemnih britanskih igralcev in igralk. Verjamem, da je marsikdo od njih za nastop v filmu zaračunal nižjo tarifo kot sicer. Vse za dober namen.

Originalni opis filma:

In 1984 20 year old closet gay Joe hesitantly arrives in London from Bromley for his first Gay Pride march and is taken under the collective wing of a group of gay men and Lesbian Steph, who meet at flamboyant Jonathan and his Welsh partner Gethin's Soho bookshop. Not only are gays being threatened by Thatcher but the miners are on strike in response to her pit closures and Northern Irish activist Mark Ashton believes gays and miners should show solidarity. Almost by accident a mini-bus full of gays find themselves in the Welsh village of Onllwyn in the Dulais valley and through their sincere fund raising and Jonathan's nifty disco moves persuade most of the community that they are on the same side. When a bigot tries to sabotage the partnership with a tabloid smear Mark turns it back on her with a hugely successful benefit concert to which most of the villagers, now thoroughly in tune with their gay friends, turn up. The miners are defeated and return to work but at the Pride march the following year a vast contingent of miners show up to repay their comrades with their show of support.