Presladko življenje
Sugar Blues, Češka, 78 min
Imdb ocena 7.0
Žanr: dokumentarni
Režija: Andrea Culková
Jezik: češki, angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Sladkor ubija. Režiserka Andrea ima sladkorno bolezen. Izogibati se mora vsem oblikam rafiniranega sladkorja. Kmalu opazi, da to ni mogoče, sladkor je namreč povsod in v vsem. Strah za nerojenega otroka spremeni prehranske navade v Andrejini družini in jo spodbudi k raziskavi sladkorne industrije. Raziskava se začne na Andrejini kuhinjski mizi in nadaljuje še pet let na različnih koncih sveta. Tragikomična in čustvena zgodba je poučna in navdihujoča. Osvobodila vas bo »sladkornega bluesa«.
Originalni opis filma:
Sugar can kill! The director, Andrea, is diagnosed with gestational diabetes. She must avoid any form of refined sugar. That soon proves impossible though, because she finds sugar everywhere and in everything. Why is sugar so ubiquitous? Fear for her unborn baby changes the eating habits in Andrea's family and motivates her investigation of the sugar industry. Confronting doctors and scientists, Andrea explores the influence of sugar on human physical and mental functions. With the obsession of a detective, she identifies the ties between multinational corporations, politicians and health care. The quest begins at Andrea's kitchen table and continues worldwide over nearly five years. But her family needs a mum at home, especially her youngest son. Could sugar really be the cause of his health problems? A tragicomic, vibrant and emotional story that is informative and inspiring... A film that will set you free from the Sugar Blues!