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Ribbit, 2014

Ribbit, Malezija, ZDA, Indija, 88 min

Imdb ocena 4.1

Žanr: risani, avantura, komedija, družinski

Igrajo: Sean Astin, Tim Curry, Russell Peters, Cherami Leigh

Režija: Chuck Powers

Avtorji: Amir Hafizi, Chuck Powers

Jezik: angleški

Ribbit - Ribbit

Slovenski opis filma:

Globoko v amazonskem gozdu živi žabec z nenavadnimi težavami: ne mara skakanja in ne prenese vode. V iskanju svojega življenjskega poslanstva se s prijatelji odpravi na pot po reki, nesrečna hipnoza pa ga prepriča, da je zgolj v žabo začaran princ. Da bi našel in rešil svojo princeso, se zabavni žabec poda med ljudi, na nepozabno pustolovščino, polno nevarnosti, akcije in smešnih nezgod.

Originalni opis filma:

A fantastic journey sometimes begins with one tiny little hop. Ribbit is a frog with an identity crisis. Unlike frogs, he hates hopping and has a strong aversion to water. Feeling a misfit, he is full of questions about his life... and so together with his best friend, a flying squirrel, he embarks on a soul-searching journey in search of the truth and his rightful place in this world. Set amongst the breathtaking backdrop of the Amazon rainforest, they surge ahead in their quest for the answer to life's mysteries... encountering a zany variety of colourful characters, both friend and foe, along the way. Confusion reigns when Ribbit is accidently hypnotised. Is Ribbit a human prince trapped in a frog's body by an evil curse... or is he merely a confused colourful denizen of the jungle?