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Stotnik Amerika: Zimski vojak

Stotnik Amerika: Zimski vojak, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier, ZDA, 136 min

Imdb ocena 7.8

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Redford

Režija: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo

Avtorji: Christopher Markus (scenarij), Stephen McFeely (scenarij), Joe Simon (based on the Marvel comic by), Jack Kirby (based on the Marvel comic by)

Jezik: angleški, francoski

Stotnik Amerika: Zimski vojak - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Slovenski opis filma:

Dve leti po bitki za New York se skuša Steve sprijazniti s svojo vlogo v svetu; spajdaši se s Črno vdovo in novim zaveznikom Sokolom, da bi razkrili zaroto v organizaciji O.B.O.D., medtem ko se soočajo s skrivnostnim ubijalcem.Dve leti po uničujoči bitki za New York se skuša Steve Rogers oziroma Stotnik Amerika sprijazniti s svojo vlogo v svetu in živeti mirno življenje povprečneža v Washingtonu. A ko napadejo kolega v organizaciji O.B.O.D., se Steve nehote znajte v mreži spletk in zarot, ki ogroža ves svet. Stotnik Amerika se zato spajdaši s Črno vdovo, da bi skupaj razkrila zaroto v organizaciji in se zoperstavila morilcem, ki so jih poslali za njima. Ko se naposled izkaže globalni obseg zlobnega načrta, Stotnik Amerika in Nataša pridobita za pomoč novega zaveznika, Sokola, vendar se vsi trije znajdejo pred Stevovim nekdanjim prijateljem, zdaj pa novim, neverjetnim sovražnikom: Zimskim vojakom.

Originalni opis filma:

For Steve Rogers, awakening after decades of suspended animation involves more than catching up on pop culture; it also means that this old school idealist must face a world of subtler threats and difficult moral complexities. That becomes clear when Director Nick Fury is killed by the mysterious assassin, the Winter Soldier, but not before warning Rogers that SHIELD has been subverted by its enemies. When Rogers acts on Fury's warning to trust no one there, he is branded as a traitor by the organization. Now a fugitive, Captain America must get to the bottom of this deadly mystery with the help of the Black Widow and his new friend, The Falcon. However, the battle will be costly for the Sentinel of Liberty, with Rogers finding enemies where he least expects them while learning that the Winter Soldier looks disturbingly familiar.