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Ubiti glasnika

Ubiti glasnika, 2014

Kill the Messenger, ZDA, 112 min

Imdb ocena 6.9

Žanr: biografski, kriminalni, drama

Igrajo: Jeremy Renner, Robert Patrick, Jena Sims, Robert Pralgo

Režija: Michael Cuesta

Avtorji: Peter Landesman, Gary Webb (knjiga), Nick Schou (knjiga)

Jezik: angleški

Ubiti glasnika - Kill the Messenger

Slovenski opis filma:

Kriminalna drama, posneta po resničnih doživetjih novinarja Garyja Webba. Radovedni raziskovalec začne sredi 90. let razkrivati namige o dolgoletnem sodelovanju med kriminalnimi karteli iz Nikaragve in ameriško obveščevalno agencijo. Gary kljub številnim nevarnostim počasi odkriva, kako je CIA v 80. letih omogočala uvoz kokaina v ZDA, da bi z zasluženim denarjem podprli upornike v Nikaragvi. Ker so v zgodbo vpleteni pomembni ameriški politiki, se Gary kmalu znajde sredi smrtno nevarne zarote.

Originalni opis filma:

Based on the true story of journalist Gary Webb. The film takes place in the mid-1990s, when Webb uncovered the CIA's past role in importing huge amounts of cocaine into the U.S. that was aggressively sold in ghettos across the country to raise money for the Nicaraguan Contras' rebel army. Despite enormous pressure not to, Webb chose to pursue the story and went public with his evidence, publishing the series "Dark Alliance". As a result he experienced a vicious smear campaign fueled by the CIA. At that point Webb found himself defending his integrity, his family, and his life.