Zvezde v očeh
Starry Eyes, ZDA, Belgija, 98 min
Imdb ocena 6.0
Žanr: drama, fantazijski, grozljivka
Igrajo: Alex Essoe, Amanda Fuller, Noah Segan, Fabianne Therese
Režija: Kevin Kolsch, Dennis Widmyer
Avtorji: Kevin Kolsch, Dennis Widmyer
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Po nizu avdicij nadobudna mlada igralka nepričakovano dobi glavno vlogo v filmu. Vendar ta priložnost prinese nenavadne spremembe, ki jo bodo umsko in fizično preobrazile v nekaj čudovitega ... ter obenem grozljivega.Nadobudna mlada igralka Sarah Walker je odločena, da ji bo uspel veliki met v Hollywoodu. Dneve preživlja med jalovim delom pod budnim očesom pokroviteljskega šefa Carla, navezuje bežna prijateljstva z drugimi revnimi umetniki in igralskimi tekmeci ter se udeležuje neskončnih avdicij v upanju, da jo bodo izbrali za katero od filmskih vlog. Po nizu nenavadnih avdicij pred skrivnostno dvojico iskalcev talentov iz slavne produkcijske hiše Astraeus Pictures se ji nepričakovano nasmehne sreča: izberejo jo za glavno vlogo v nekem novem filmu. Producenta menita, da je pred njo svetla prihodnost; vendar ta priložnost prinese nenavadne spremembe, ki bodo Sarah umsko in fizično preobrazile v nekaj čudovitega ... ter obenem grozljivega.
Originalni opis filma:
In Hollywood, the Big Taters'waitress Sarah Walker is an ambitious aspiring actress that suffers from hair pulling disorder. Sarah does not respect her boss Carl or her job since she believes she will be a great actress and this job is temporary only to pay her bills. She shares an apartment with her roommate Tracy that frequently discloses her secrets to their selfish friends Erin that likes to humiliate Sarah and steal her roles; Danny, who is an aspiring director that likes Sarah; Poe and Ashley that are indifferent to her. When Sarah is invited to an audition of the film The Silver Screen from the company Astraeus Pictures, their auditioners do not show any reaction to her performance. When Sarah leaves the audition, she goes to the toilet room and has an attack, pulling her hair and crying. Immediately after, the casting director invites her to return to the room and repeat what she did in the bathroom for her assistant and she. Sarah is invited again to an audition with the producer and when he insinuates to have sex with her, she refuses and goes home. However her ambition prevails and she returns to his house and has oral sex with him. He tells that she wants to be famous, she needs to die and reborn. When Sarah returns home, she finds that her body is deteriorating and she needs to murder her friends to complete her transformation. What will she do?