Bitcoin: Konec denarja kot ga poznamo
Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It, ZDA, 60 min
Imdb ocena 7.1
Žanr: documentary
Igrajo: John Barrett, Andreas M. Antonopoulos
Režija: Torsten Hoffmann
Avtorji: Torsten Hoffmann
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Za vse, ki še ne razumete novega denarja kot so Bitcoin, Ethereum in ostale kripto valute.
Originalni opis filma:
A 60-minute documentary created by Torsten Hoffmann was released in December 2014. It is a must-watch and still one of the best Bitcoin documentaries to date. The film raised 17,362 Australian Dollars on Kickstarter. The documentary explains why and how Bitcoin could disrupt our traditional financial system. Thorsten and his team interviewed many influential people from blockchain start-ups and various cryptocurrency-related projects. Torsten Hoffmann is now planning for an updated, bigger and better documentary which will include hot new topics like Ethereum, ICOs and the entire Bitcoin scaling debate. It also briefly explains how bitcoin is created (mining, btc cloud mining) etc. For anyone who has not fully understood the controversial Bitcoin yet, this is a concise and informative crash course about Money and Crypto Currencies.