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Boljši časi

Boljši časi, 2015

Any Day, ZDA, 100 min

Imdb ocena 4.9

Žanr: drama, romantični, triler

Igrajo: Sean Bean, Eva Longoria, Kate Walsh, Tom Arnold

Režija: Rustam Branaman

Avtorji: Rustam Branaman (scenarij), Rustam Branaman

Jezik: angleški

Boljši časi - Any Day

Slovenski opis filma:

Vian je nekdanji boksar, ki je pravkar zapustil zapor, kjer je končal, ker je med spopadom slučajno ubil človeka. Vse, kar si sedaj želi, je nov začetek in normalno življenje. Nastani se pri sestri Bethley in njenemu sinu Jimmyju ter si najde službo v lokalni piceriji. Ko spozna lepo Jolene, se zdi, da se mu je končno nasmehnila sreča. Toda Vianovo življenje se zopet postavi na glavo zaradi nesrečnega dogodka. Se bo vrnil k staremu načinu življenja ali se bo končno začel boriti za ljudi, ki so mu pri srcu?

Originalni opis filma:

Vian McLean is an ex fighter who is filled with resentment. He killed a man with his bare hands and has just spent the last twelve years in prison for the crime. Upon his release from Prison he comes to stay with his Sister Bethley and her son Jimmy who gets to know Vian and looks up to his uncle as the greatest man he has ever known. Vian struggles to find a job and does and then meets a girl Jolene and falls in love and everything seems to be working out, but when a tragic event happens Vian is thrown into a dark place and faces the greatest challenge of his life only to be shown the right path in a sudden experience that will alter his life forever.