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Charlottina pesem

Charlottina pesem, 2015

Charlotte's Song, Kanada, 88 min

Imdb ocena 6.9

Žanr: drama, fantazijski, grozljivka

Igrajo: Iwan Rheon, Katelyn Mager, Brendan Taylor, Jessie Fraser

Režija: Nicholas Humphries

Avtorji: Jessica Leigh Clark-Bojin (story by), Bob Woolsey, Bob Woolsey (story by), Meagan Hotz, Lindsey Mann (story by)

Jezik: angleški

Charlottina pesem - Charlotte's Song

Slovenski opis filma:

Pripoved, ki jo je navdihnila "Mala morska deklica" slavnega H. C. Andersena, spremlja dekle s posebnim darom, ki odrašča v tridesetih letih 20. stol., enem najbolj obupnih in krutih obdobij ameriške zgodovine.Pripoved, ki jo je navdihnila pravljica "Mala morska deklica" slavnega Hansa Christiana Andersena, spremlja Charlotte (Katelyn Mager), dekle s posebnim darom, ki odrašča v tridesetih letih dvajsetega stoletja, enem najbolj obupnih in krutih obdobij ameriške zgodovine. Nenadna smrt njene matere sproži plaz propada za njeno družino in njihovo pevsko-plesno predstavo. Pomoč pride iz nepričakovane smeri, ko jim krajevni gangster Randall (Iwan Rheon) ponudi, da bo odkupil njihov dolg, če mu dovolijo narediti nekaj neokusnih sprememb v družinskem poslu. Ko se izkaže, da je Charlotte tako kot njena mati morska deklica, zmožna nadzora nad ljudmi s svojim zapeljivim glasom, skuša njen dar izkoristiti množica največjih nepridipravov. Charlotte mora izbrati lastno pot – vedoč, da bo imela napačna odločitev usodne posledice zanjo in za vse, ki jih ima rada.

Originalni opis filma:

An homage to Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid", Done Four Productions' inaugural feature "Charlotte's Song" tells the story of Charlotte (Katelyn Mager), a young girl coming of age in the midst of one of the most desolate and desperate periods in American history. Set in the 1930s Oklahoma Dust Bowl, the untimely death of Charlotte's mother triggers a downward spiral for her father, five sisters and their family-run song and dance act. Help comes from an unlikely source when a gangster named Randall (Iwan Rheon) offers to pay off their debt in exchange for making some unsavoury changes to the family business. Matters are complicated when it is discovered that Charlotte, like her mother before her, is in fact a mermaid capable of controlling humans with her voice. What follows is a sophisticated magical turf war in which antagonists from many camps seek to take advantage of Charlotte's power. The best and worst of humanity are put on display and Charlotte must choose her own path, knowing that the wrong decision will have deadly consequences for herself and the people she loves.