Dežela tujcev
Strangerland, Irska, Avstralija, 112 min
Imdb ocena 5.2
Žanr: drama, misterij, triler
Igrajo: Nicole Kidman, Joseph Fiennes, Hugo Weaving, Lisa Flanagan
Režija: Kim Farrant
Avtorji: Michael Kinirons, Fiona Seres (zgodba), Fiona Seres
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Po selitvi v odmaknjeno avstralsko puščavo skušata zakonca Catherine in Matthew na novo zastaviti svoji življenji, vendar ne najdeta pravega stika s someščani. Ko tik pred prihodom divjega peščenega viharja izgineta njuna otroka in iskanje ne obrodi sadov, med meščani vzniknejo govorice, sumi in aboriginske vraže. V brezizhodni stiski se skušata obupana starša soočiti s svojo preteklostjo, toda v deželi tujcev odrešitev njune družine ostaja negotova.
Originalni opis filma:
Newcomers to the remote Australian desert town of Nathgari, Catherine and Matthew Parker's lives are flung into crisis when they discover their two teenage kids, Tommy and Lily, have mysteriously disappeared just before a massive dust storm hits. With Nathgari eerily smothered in red dust and darkness, the townsfolk join the search led by local cop, David Rae. It soon becomes apparent that something terrible may have happened to Tommy and Lily. Suspicions run riot, rumours spread and public opinion turns savagely against the Parkers. With temperatures rising and the chances of survival plummeting with each passing day, Catherine and Matthew find themselves pushed to the brink as they struggle to survive the mystery of their children's fate.