Dobri državljan
A Good American, Avstrija, 100 min
Imdb ocena 7.3
Žanr: dokumentarni, biografski, zgodovinski
Igrajo: William Binney, Jesselyn Radack, Kirk Wiebe, Diane Roark
Režija: Friedrich Moser
Avtorji: Friedrich Moser, Friedrich Moser (author)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
To je zgodba o najboljšem hekerju v zgodovini ZDA. S skupinico v okviru agencije NSA je izdelal napravo, ki je zaznala vsak elektronski signal na Zemlji in ga preusmerila na pravi naslov v tajnosti, ki jo zahteva ameriška ustava. Naprava je bila popolna, imela je le eno napako: bila je prepoceni. Vodstvo NSA jo je tri tedne pred 11. septembrom zavrglo. Dodaten preizkus je pokazal, da je naprava takoj identificirala teroriste. To je zgodba o nekdanjem tehničnem direktorju NSA Billu Binneyju in o programu, imenovanem ThinThread.
Originalni opis filma:
A Good American tells the story of the best code-breaker the USA ever had and how he and a small team within NSA created a surveillance tool that could pick up any electronic signal on earth, filter it for targets and render results in real-time while keeping the privacy as demanded by the US constitution. The tool was perfect - except for one thing: it was way too cheap. Therefor NSA leadership, who had fallen into the hands of industry, dumped it - three weeks prior to 9/11. In a secret test-run of the program against the pre-9/11-NSA database in early 2002 the program immediately found the terrorists. This is the story of former Technical director of NSA, Bill Binney, and a program called ThinThread.