Kakor hočeš
Absolutely Anything, Velika Britanija, 85 min
Imdb ocena 6.0
Žanr: komedija, znanstvena fantastika
Igrajo: Simon Pegg, Kate Beckinsale, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Rob Riggle
Režija: Terry Jones
Avtorji: Terry Jones (scenarij), Gavin Scott (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški, francoski
Slovenski opis filma:
Nezemljani, ki potujejo od planeta do planeta in ocenjujejo njihove prebivalce, pridejo na Zemljo. Če so prebivalci dostojni in v skladu z njihovimi standardi, so lahko njihovi prijatelji. V nasprotnem primeru bo planet uničen. Da bi to ugotovili tudi na Zemlji, izberejo enega prebivalca in dajo tej osebi pooblastilo, da lahko stori vse, kar želi. Odločijo se za Neila Clarka, učitelja, ki uči otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Nanj se vedno spravlja ravnatelj šole, zaljubljen pa je v sosedo Catherine, vendar nima poguma, da bi ji približal. Zdaj lahko počne, kar želi, vendar mora biti previden.
Originalni opis filma:
Some aliens, who travel from planet to planet to see what kind of species inhabit them, come to Earth. And if humans are, according to their standards, decent, they are welcomed to be their friend. And if not the planet is destroyed. To find out, they choose one inhabitant and give that person the power to do whatever he/she wants. And they choose Neil Clarke, a teacher who teaches the special kids. He is constantly being berated by the headmaster and is attracted to his neighbor, Catherine, but doesn't have the guts to approach her. But now he can do anything he wants but has to be careful.