Darling, ZDA, 78 min
Imdb ocena 5.6
Žanr: grozljivka, triler
Igrajo: Lauren Ashley Carter, Sean Young, Brian Morvant, Larry Fessenden
Režija: Mickey Keating
Avtorji: Mickey Keating
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Mlado dekle sprejme službo oskrbnice v skrivnostnem dvorcu na Manhattnu, kljub dejstvu, da naj bi se v preteklosti v hiši dogajale nenavadne stvari in naj bi v njej strašilo. Kmalu ugotovi, da govorice držijo, saj po hodnikih začnejo odmevati grozljivi zvoki in se prikazovati strašljive pojave. Oskrbnica pa se poleg tega začne spraševati, kaj se skriva za vrati sobe na koncu hodnika, kamor nima vstopa...
Originalni opis filma:
An enigmatic Madame is in need of a caretaker to look after a house located downtown, however, this is no ordinary house. It is the oldest one in the city and in addition to that, riddled with unpleasant stories of occult origins and rumours of hauntings. With such a reputation, many would flee, but this lovely caretaker is up to the job, even though right from the beginning, peculiar occurrences started to manifest in the mansion's long corridors and odd sounds have begun to permeate the empty rooms. Why is that room at the end of the hallway, off limits? And how is she ever going to rid herself of the ever-growing voices inside her head?