Mali princ
The Little Prince, Francija, 108 min
Imdb ocena 7.7
Žanr: risani, avantura, drama
Igrajo: Jeff Bridges, Mackenzie Foy, Rachel McAdams, Marion Cotillard
Režija: Mark Osborne
Avtorji: Irena Brignull (scenarij), Bob Persichetti (scenarij), Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (novela)
Jezik: angleški, francoski
Slovenski opis filma:
Majhna deklica pod vplivom ambiciozne mame ves čas misli le na to, kako in kdaj bo odrasla, saj ima vse dni načrtovane in zapolnjene z nalogami. Toda ko spozna ostarelega soseda Pilota, ji ta začne pripovedovati neverjetne zgodbe, ki jih je po strmoglavljenju v puščavi doživel s skrivnostnim Malim princem. Ob njegovih fantastičnih pripovedkah se deklica poda na številne neverjetne svetove in počasi spoznava, da vsi potrebujemo otroštvo in Malega princa v sebi, saj le tako lahko sami odkrijemo številne pomembne lekcije o življenju.
Originalni opis filma:
From Mark Osborne comes the first-ever animated feature film adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's iconic masterpiece, The Little Prince. At the heart of it all is The Little Girl, who's being prepared by her mother for the very grown-up world in which they live - only to be interrupted by her eccentric, kind-hearted neighbor, The Aviator. The Aviator introduces his new friend to an extraordinary world where anything is possible. A world that he himself was initiated into long ago by The Little Prince. It's here that The Little Girl's magical and emotional journey into her own imagination - and into the universe of The Little Prince - begins. And it's where The Little Girl rediscovers her childhood and learns that ultimately, it's human connections that matter most, and that what's truly essential can only be seen with the heart.