Transference, Velika Britanija, 15 min
Žanr: short, drama
Igrajo: Matt E Hudson, Ceri-Rose Larcombe
Režija: Matt E Hudson
Avtorji: Matt E Hudson
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Mlada psihiatrinja sprejme novega pacienta, ki se izkaže za večji izziv, kot bi pričakovala.Mlada psihiatrinja sprejme novega pacienta. Mladenič se izkaže za večji izziv, kot bi pričakovala.
Originalni opis filma:
Watch closely, because not all is what it seems. A post coital conversation becomes a simple game of who, what, why and when as we see each point of view of the out of bounds seduction leading to the illicit affair. But this is not just about the physical, this is about what really goes on in our minds. Dripping with subtext and metaphors that break in and out of context to the situation, two people are laid bare in this alluring, fatalistic and dysfunctional conversation.