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Ameriška pastorala

Ameriška pastorala, 2016

American Pastoral, Hong Kong, ZDA, 108 min

Imdb ocena 6.1

Žanr: kriminalni, drama

Igrajo: Ewan McGregor, Jennifer Connelly, Dakota Fanning, Peter Riegert

Režija: Ewan McGregor

Avtorji: Philip Roth (based on the novel by), John Romano (screenplay by)

Jezik: angleški, hebrejski

Ameriška pastorala - American Pastoral

Slovenski opis filma:

/ HONG KONG, ZDA / 2016 Režija: Ewan McGregor / Scenarij: John Romano / Po istoimenskem romanu Philipa Rotha / Igrajo: Ewan McGregor, Jennifer Connelly, Dakota Fanning, Peter Riegert, Rupert Evans, Uzo Aduba, Molly Parker, Valorie Curry, Hannah Nordberg, Julia Silverman, Mark Hildreth, Samantha Mathis, David Strathairn, Ocean James, David Whalen … Ameriška pastorala je kriminalna drama o tako imenovanih ameriških sanjah in njihovih uresničitvah. Pripoveduje o obetavnem srednješolskem atletu in družinskem človeku, ki si želi uspeha v Ameriki, državi na krilih napredka po drugi svetovni vojni. Njegovo navidez popolno ameriško življenje pa se v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja obrne na glavo, ko se morata z ženo sprijazniti z dejstvom, da je njuna hči postala revolucionarka pod vplivom množičnih gibanj in protestov, ki so v šestdesetih letih zajeli mlade in sprožili številna gibanja, tudi družbeno sporna in nasilna…

Originalni opis filma:

Seymour Levov, going by the nickname of 'Swede' in the Jewish community he was born into, was even more of an all-American than Douglas Fairbanks himself. He had just everything an American idol can dream of: not only was the tall muscular young man a high school star athlete but he married a beauty queen named Dawn in the bargain. And as if all this were not enough, Swede later became the successful manager of the glove factory his father had founded, which allowed him to live with his wife in a beautiful house in the New Jersey countryside. Well-mannered, always bright, smiling and positive, conservative but with a liberal edge, what bad could ever happen to him? And yet...this was reckoning without fate and its obnoxious irony, Swede and Dawn's nemesis manifesting itself in the person of Merry, their beloved daughter who in her teens unexpectedly turned into a violent activist.