Arcadia, United Kingdom, 90 min
Imdb ocena 4.2
Žanr: akcijski, znanstvena fantastika, triler
Igrajo: Thomas Coombes, Rufus Wright, Gillian MacGregor
Režija: Tom Large
Avtorji: Tom Large
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
V bližnji prihodnosti je smrtonosna bolezen zajela svet. Za boj proti naraščajočemu številu smrtnih žrtev zgradijo Arcadio, ki predstavlja varno zatočišče brez bolezni za izbrano elito in privilegirane. Charlie je povprečen moški, ki se vsak dan trudi, da bi s hčerko prišla v varno zavetje. Ko ga prosijo, naj ujame Adama Blacka, člana odporniškega gibanja, je Charlie odločen, da bo izkoristil priložnost in si zagotovil mesto v Arcadii. Toda kmalu naleti na šokantno odkritje. Bo Charlie skušal uresničiti svoje načrte ali storil, kar je prav?
Originalni opis filma:
In the not too distant future, the population has risen to dangerous numbers and a deadly disease has gripped the world. To combat the death toll rising, 'Arcadia' has been built as safe disease-free haven for the privileged, where life expectancy is more than 130 years. Outside Arcadia, the average life lasts merely 40 years - unless they can earn a place amongst the elite. Charlie is 39 and living in London, with little time left he works every day to get him and his daughter into the safe haven. When asked to capture a government target, Adam Black, a member of resistance movement 'Free Care', Charlie take this opportunity to guarantee them a place inside Arcadia. On the brink of achieving his dream, his mission takes a wrong turn and he finds himself questioning the real purpose for Black's capture. As discoveries are made, it seems the government have not told Charlie the full truth about Black and 'Free Care'. Facing a choice between saving his life and doing what's right, what will Charlie decide? Arcadia is a fast-paced sci-fi thriller...