Seznam programov
Filmoteka na


Čreda, 2016

Herd, Srbija

Imdb ocena 7.0

Žanr: komedija

Igrajo: Nikola Kojo, Vesna Trivalic, Zoran Cvijanovic, Natasa Ninkovic

Režija: Nikola Kojo

Avtorji: Nebojsa Romcevic

Jezik: srbski

Čreda - Herd

Slovenski opis filma:

V zabavni satiri na račun ustvarjalcev sedme umetnosti spoznamo prijatelja Kolja in Cveja, ki si želita posneti svojo televizijsko serijo o prigodah igralcev. Ker zgolj s scenarijem ne prepričata producentov, se odločita na lastno pest posneti pilotsko epizodo, toda ob tem se soočata s številnimi komičnimi težavami. Borita se z nemogočimi muhami nastopajočih in nerganjem snemalcev, za vrat jima dihajo oderuhi, pri katerih sta si sposodila denar, nazadnje pa morata, že povsem obupana, zastaviti tudi lastni duši in tako dokazati svojo predanost igralskemu poklicu.

Originalni opis filma:

This is a hilarious satirical comedy about life behind the camera. More often than not, a greater drama precedes a film or TV drama we see on the screen. Filmmakers, those hopeless enthusiasts who ignore the reality of life, risk their very existence in their desire to create a great work of art. This story can be told in many different languages and in many different countries, even in many different time periods. The road to the red carpet is not all roses, it is filled with compromise, struggle, even a pact with the devil, if necessary. It is safe to say that 'Flock' is based on a true story about a similar project, somewhere going on this very moment and it will go on as long as there are artists and governments in this world.